Our blog
Myopia, one of the most prevalent vision conditions in the world, not only affects quality of life, but can also carry serious risks to eye health if not properly controlled. In this article we will explore the efficacy of our MYLO and MYLO Toric lenses in the management of myopia, supported by an independent study conducted by Sergio Diaz, DOO, Mtr. of four and two years respectively.
Category: mark'ennovy
March 2025
Myopia, a common eye problem, has experienced a notable increase in recent decades. This has raised concerns about the visual health of future generations, especially when it comes to myopia in children. This condition not only impacts the quality of vision but is also associated with more serious eye problems. Some examples include glaucoma, cataracts, […]
Category: mark'ennovy
February 2024
Myopia, an eye problem that affects millions of people worldwide, has been a growing concern for the eye health community. The need to control its progression and minimize the risks associated with serious eye conditions in adulthood has led to a more rigorous focus on research and treatment. In this context, an essential concept has […]
Category: mark'ennovy
December 2023
Given the recent emergence of this topic, it is important for us to develop confidence in discussing myopia management with patients and parents and addressing their concerns. Mark’ennovy aims to provide guidance and answer frequently asked questions to support you in navigating this relatively new field of myopia management. What is myopia management? Myopia management […]
Category: mark'ennovy
June 2023
A study looks at the efficacy of MYLO: a monthly disposable silicone hydrogel contact lens designed with BHVI‘s patented EDOF technology to slow the progression of myopia. Sergio Diaz, OD, MSc, presented the results of his two-year study on the efficacy of MYLO soft contact lenses with EDOF technology for myopia management at the BCLA […]
Category: mark'ennovy
June 2023
As a fairly new topic on the table, we need to gain confidence talking to patients and parents and solving their doubts. From Mark’ennovy, we would like to guide you and provide some answers to their frequently asked questions on myopia. What is myopia? Myopia is the medical term for short-sightedness. It happens when light […]
Category: mark'ennovy
May 2023
Having worked in the eye care industry for many years, Jim Dickson – a highly motivated contact lens optician – joined the mark’ennovy team in 2021. Since then, Jim has headed up the mark’ennovy academy. As part of his Professional Affairs roles, Jim has written and delivered training sessions on multifocal contact lens fitting, custom […]
Category: mark'ennovy
March 2023
A winning strategy for all of your myopia management patients A comprehensive range of spheres, cylinders and axes is essential to properly meet the soft contact lens needs of your astigmatic patients. This is even more important when entrusted with safeguarding the future eye health of your myopia management patients with astigmatism. MYLO, an on-label soft contact […]
Category: mark'ennovy
March 2023
Mark’ennovy has recently started collaborating with Accredible to create and send your certificates and badges when you attend our webinars and master classes. Let’s see how to share Accredible credentials. “Accredible’s digital credentials allow individuals to share their achievements and prove their credibility, organizations to help their students get hired, and for employers to find […]
Category: mark'ennovy
February 2023
Here at mark’ennovy, we believe that EVERY patient can wear contact lenses. That’s why we manufacture our premium bespoke contact lenses with an extended range of parameters, an unrivaled combination of diameters and base curves, but also with different types of materials. As a result, we can meet the needs of wearers, ensuring perfect visual […]
Category: mark'ennovy
February 2023
Since 1997, one of our most fundamental principles has been to establish a close working relationship with our clients – the eye care professional. As long-standing contact lens specialists, we are aware of the clinical and commercial problems faced by optometrists the world over – especially during the current ‘cost of living’ crisis that’s hitting […]
Category: mark'ennovy
November 2022
At mark’ennovy, we’re passionate about the future of vision and this is why we are 100% committed to science and innovation in every way. We are invested in vision’s continuous improvement and we are proud to support various organizations and universities whose main fields of research relate to contact lenses. One such project that we’re […]
Category: mark'ennovy
September 2022
As we saw in our previous blog post, the main reasons1 for contact lens dropout in the presbyopic population are: Also, studies2-4 have shown that the reasons for dropping out vary slightly depending on the amount of time that the patient has been wearing contact lenses. These findings suggest that eye care professionals should have […]
Category: mark'ennovy
August 2022
In 2022, mark’ennovy celebrates its 25th anniversary. In 1997, Georges Sarrouf founded the company in Madrid, specialising in bespoke, conventional contact lenses and, 25 years later, is still at the helm as CEO. The company has become a market leader for the manufacture of individually crafted contact lenses. Continuous innovation and advancement define our corporate culture. This […]
Category: mark'ennovy
July 2022
A business is only as good as its employees – and we have very good employees! As part of our 25th anniversary celebrations, we’re going ‘behind the scenes’ to talk to different members of the team in order to learn more about the importance of their roles within the company and the important contribution they […]
Category: mark'ennovy
May 2022
This is the second part of the Meet The Team: Mercedes López Bellón series where she talks about MDR regulation. If you have not read the first part, we invite you to start with that article. Can you explain MDR? “The new MDR (Medical Device Regulation) is a new regulation that came into force on […]
Category: mark'ennovy
May 2022
A study looks at the efficacy of MYLO: a monthly disposable silicone hydrogel contact lens designed with BHVI‘s patented EDOF technology to slow the progression of myopia. EDOF technology has previously been studied in terms of visual performance and efficacy in slowing myopic progression. Also, some data on short-term visual effects of MYLO have recently […]
Category: mark'ennovy
May 2022
As we saw in our previous blog post, contact lens usage dramatically decreases around age 40. Maybe it is worth taking the time to analyse why this happens. This critical age overlaps with the beginning of presbyopia for several patients, so this is essentially related to multifocal and multifocal toric contact lenses. Patients may start […]
Category: mark'ennovy
April 2022
The My’Ennovy portal has long been a useful tool in most of our customers’ toolkits. In recent months, we’ve been working hard to redesign the My’Ennovy portal making it even better and more helpful. We’re proud to introduce the NEW My’Ennovy portal: it’s simple, modern and, most importantly, useful. The portal has been streamlined, with […]
Category: mark'ennovy
March 2022
Around 20% of the world´s population is presbyopic, but only 8% wear contact lenses as their primary mode of correction. Learn about presbyopia in this post! What is Presbyopia? Presbyopia is a gradual reduction of the eye’s ability to focus accurately on near objects. It starts to affect vision at around 40 years. Near and […]
Category: mark'ennovy
March 2022
WHAT IS THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF ASTIGMATISM THAT SHOULD BE CORRECTED? With a contact lens, astigmatism of -0.75 dioptres would have to be corrected. If only the sphere was to be corrected, -0.50 dioptres would be the amount that could be left uncorrected with the patient still having an optimal visual acuity. This is true […]
Category: mark'ennovy
March 2022
Often, we think that fitting toric multifocal contact lenses is complicated. In some cases, it is due to a lack of experience with these designs, sometimes due to lack of time, and sometimes because we think they are not profitable for our business. In this blog, we are going to guide you through fitting multifocal […]
Category: mark'ennovy
March 2022
In 2022, mark’ennovy celebrates its 25th anniversary. In 1997, Georges Sarrouf founded the company in Madrid, specialising in bespoke, conventional contact lenses and, 25 years later, is still at the helm as CEO. The company has undergone transformations within this time frame – becoming a market leader for the manufacture of individually crafted contact lenses […]
Category: mark'ennovy
February 2022
A study looks at the short-term vision effects of MYLO: a monthly disposable silicone hydrogel contact lens designed with BHVI‘s patented EDOF technology to slow the progression of myopia. The EDOF technology of MYLO has previously been studied in terms of visual performance and efficacy in slowing myopic progression. This pseudo-experimental clinical study was conducted […]
Category: mark'ennovy
January 2022
mark’ennovy specialises in multifocal soft contact lenses for all types of presbyopic eyes and levels of astigmatism. Did you know that… Holden et al. estimated that the global prevalence of presbyopia is increasing to 1.8 billion people by 2050? This is the reason why contact lenses for presbyopia are gaining momentum: Contact lenses, in general, […]
Category: mark'ennovy
January 2022
Discover more about myopia management. Recent years have seen the devastating impact of global health crises – the most notable being Covid-19, of course – but what of the other, less ‘media-present’ crises, such as the myopia crisis? Over the past decade, the prevalence of myopia has increased around the world. Some studies estimate that […]
Category: mark'ennovy
September 2021
Xtensa SiHy is mark’ennovy’s moulded silicone hydrogel family. For patients whose parameters fall within the standard range and whose eyes would benefit from a silicone hydrogel material, Xtensa SiHy is an excellent starting point. Xtensa SiHy’s Technical Description Xtensa SiHy is a monthly silicone hydrogel contact lens. It provides exceptional vision, eye health, and comfort. […]
Category: mark'ennovy
August 2021
In mark´ennovy we understand the importance of giving your patient the highest standard of UV protection, specially during the summertime. Therefore, we have created a guide to remember what UV radiation is, its types and what filters can be found in contact lenses. “Everyone is exposed to UV radiation from the sun and an increasing number […]
Category: Health & vision, mark'ennovy
July 2021
Dear Valued Customer, As we face these difficult times, mark’ennovy, and all key departments for order fulfilment, including Customer Care, Manufacturing and Logistics are fully operational to meet your needs and those of your customers. Our plan to ensure satisfactory service levels for the supply of our soft contact lenses is closely aligned with the new measures taken by the Spanish government to fight the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Frequently Asked […]
Category: mark'ennovy, Press & media
March 2020
Myopia’s impact on vision and ocular health, along with its growing prevalence among the general population, is of growing concern among the eye care sector. Studies estimate that myopia will affect five billion people worldwide by 2050, while in Europe the myopic population will increase from 22% to 56% within the next 30 years1. […]
Category: Innovation, Myopia management
March 2019
Why is presbyopia such a big deal? Currently, in Europe alone, there are around 340 million people over the age of 45 in need of some degree of correction for near vision1. Studies estimate that 1.8 billion people worldwide will be presbyopic by 20501. However, considering contact lens wear, presbyopia tends to increase patient dropout. […]
Category: Health & vision, Innovation, mark'ennovy
March 2019
The Brien Holden Vision Institute Ltd, a leading global translational research and vision correction centre, and mark’ennovy, the No.1 independent manufacturer of premium precision soft contact lenses, have signed a second licensing agreement to bring to market a moulded soft contact lens with Brien Holden Vision Institute’s patented Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) design to […]
Category: Innovation, mark'ennovy, Press & media
March 2019
mark’ennovy Updates the Packaging for Its Most Popular Monthly Lenses Precision, quality and a more personalised approach to fitting contact lenses are the qualities that have come to define mark’ennovy. These same qualities have inspired our new packaging design. Five years ago, mark’ennovy updated their brand identity, bringing a similar look and feel […]
Category: Innovation, mark'ennovy
March 2019
Every year, World Keratoconus Day is celebrated on the 10th of November to create more awareness for this disorder. As a champion of the uniqueness of every eye and a provider of precision soft contact lenses to improve one’s eyesight and quality of life, mark’ennovy supports the effort to generate a greater consciousness for this […]
Category: Health & vision, mark'ennovy
November 2018
Accelerating global development for the leader in custom fit extended range contact lenses 28 September, 2018 Mark’ennovy Personalized Care, European-based provider of precision contact lenses, is pleased to announce the completion of a significant debt and equity funding package. Bond Capital Partners, a London based, independent investor and advisor to small and medium-sized businesses […]
Category: mark'ennovy, Press & media
October 2018
Every year, World Retinitis Pigmentosa Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of September to create awareness for this disorder, the consciousness level for which is extremely low in society today. Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is a group of rare genetic disorders affecting the cells in the retina (photoreceptors) causing their breakdown and subsequent loss. […]
Category: Health & vision, mark'ennovy
September 2018
Myopia: An Epidemic that Affects Us Locally. Over the last few years, myopia has become a trending topic among eye care academics, practitioners and contact lens manufacturers alike. Why is this? What is the big deal about myopia? For most eye care professionals, myopia is just a refractive error that they confront every day: […]
Category: Innovation, mark'ennovy, Myopia management
May 2018
Industry communication focuses on digital devices as the primary source of harmful blue light. The sun, however, is the light source we should be most concerned about. It is ten times more powerful than any artificial light source (1), and the leading source of harmful blue and UV light (280 – 450nm). The sun […]
Category: Blue light, mark'ennovy
February 2018
mark’ennovy: in constant pursuit of the most eye-opening contact lens wearing experience As part of our philosophy to continuously improve the technology and design behind our contact lenses, we are pleased to announce the introduction of a new edge design, resulting in better comfort for our complete range of Blu:gen and Saphir Rx monthly contact […]
Category: Innovation, mark'ennovy
February 2018
The Brien Holden Vision Institute, a Leading Translational Research Vision Correction Centre in the world, and mark’ennovy, the No.1 independent manufacturer of premium monthly replacement Contact Lenses, are proud to announce their Strategic Partnership, having signed a worldwide exclusive licensing agreement to bring to market a new design soft contact lenses, in Silicone Hydrogel, specifically […]
Category: mark'ennovy, Press & media
September 2017
Every eye is unique, they come in all different shapes and sizes, some steeper, some flatter, some larger, some smaller, and with varying degrees of astigmatism from a little to a lot. And this, before you enter the complex world of prescription from short sighted to long, and the challenges of managing presbyopia. Every […]
Category: Individually yours, mark'ennovy
September 2017