

MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. is an entity whose business address is located in Avenida Ada Lovelace, 12, 28906 Getafe (Madrid) Spain, whose Fiscal Identificatio Number (NIF) is B25388851, Telephone number 902111140; Fax 902111150; e-mail address:
This company is registered with the Commercial Registry in Madrid, tomo 14596, folio 190, hoja 241771.
Additionally the domain name ownership MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. is


Through this legal notice we establish the general terms regulating the access, browsing and use of Websites under the domain, as well as the responsibility caused by the inappropriate use by the User in regards to its contents, such as: texts, graphics, pictures, designs, codes, software, images, music, videos, sounds, data, information, as well as any other creation preserved by national and international laws according to patent rights and copyright.

The access to by the User implies his adherence to the general terms described in this document, therefore, the User should read them thoroughly. It is understood that access to or mere use of the website by the User implies the User’s acceptance of the general conditions.
Before using MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L.’s services or products the User should carefully read the respective terms that regulate their use. Therefore, using our services or products implies the acceptance by the User of the specific conditions established. A Consumer is understood to be any person accessing, surfing, using or participating in the activities and services, whether free or chargeable, developed at and MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. can establish particular conditions regulating the use and/or contracting of specific services offered to Consumers through



Who is the person responsible for processing your data?

  2. CIF (Company Tax ID No): B25388851
  3. Telephone: 902111140
  4. Email:
  5. Data Protection Officer: Mario de la Peña Triguero
  6. DPO contact details:


What is the purpose of processing your personal data?

At MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. we process your information in the contact section to respond to any requests or queries our customers may have about our products.

MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. will have exclusive access to your data.

Acceptance of the privacy policy, through the procedure established via boxes, will be considered an affirmative declaration whereby THE USER EXPRESSLY AND UNAMBIGUOUSLY GIVES CONSENT – pursuant to Articles 6 to 9 of the Personal Data Protection Law (RGPDO)– for the processing of personal data under the terms laid down herein.

How long will we keep your data?

The personal data collected via the forms, and the send newsletter box, shall be stored by MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. for the period you decide. You may, at any time, exercise the rights that data protection law makes available to you.

We hereby repeat that you may, at any time, delete your name from our database along with the other rights recognised under existing law by contacting us via or


What is the legal capacity for processing your data?

The data subject gave consent for processing their personal data by checking the box that expressly authorises us to process the information provided.


What are my data protection rights?

You may exercise any of the following rights by writing to the postal address Avenida Ada Lovelace, 12, 28906 Getafe (Madrid) Spain or by emailing

  • Right to request access to the data subject’s personal data.
  • Right to request their rectification or erasure.
  • Right to request limited processing.
  • Right to oppose processing.
  • Right to portability.

You may use the following forms to be able to exercise your rights more easily.

What are your rights when you give us with your data?

All citizens have the right to receive confirmation on whether MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. is processing personal data concerning them or not.

Data subjects may access their personal data, rectify them or request their erasure when, among other reasons, the data are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for.

You may also notify us of the limitation for processing your data. In this case, data will only be processed for making or defending claims.


Which recipients will your data be disclosed to?

Your data will not be assigned except in cases of legal obligation.


How have we obtained your data?

Data are collected in the markennovy website “Contact” form.

What category of data do we process?

The personal data categories processed are: name, email and message.


At  MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. we make every effort to comply with personal data protection law, as we know information is our main asset. However, we hereby notify you that if you believe your rights have been compromised, please contact Mario de la Peña Triguero or email and alternatively, if you are not satisfied, you may submit a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Authority (hereinafter AEPD), located at C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid. For further information about the AEPD.



Who is the person responsible for processing your data?

  2. CIF (Company Tax ID No): B25388851
  3. Telephone: 902111140
  4. Email:
  5. Data Protection Officer: Mario de la Peña Triguero
  6. DPO contact details:


What is the purpose of processing your personal data?

At MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. we process your information from the “Work with us” form to collect information about people who might be interested in working with us.

MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. will have exclusive access to your data.

Acceptance of the privacy policy, through the procedure established via boxes, will be considered an affirmative declaration whereby THE USER EXPRESSLY AND UNAMBIGUOUSLY GIVES CONSENT – pursuant to Articles 6 to 9 of the Personal Data Protection Law (RGPDO)– for the processing of personal data under the terms laid down herein.

How long will we keep your data?

The personal data collected via the forms, and the send newsletter box, shall be stored by MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. for the period you decide. You may, at any time, exercise the rights that data protection law makes available to you.

We hereby repeat that you may, at any time, delete your name from our database along with the other rights recognised under existing law by contacting us via or


What is the legal capacity for processing your data?

The data subject gave consent for processing their personal data by checking the box that expressly authorises us to process the information provided.


What are my data protection rights?

You may exercise any of the following rights by writing to the postal address Avenida Ada Lovelace, 12, 28906 Getafe (Madrid) Spain or by emailing

  • Right to request access to the data subject’s personal data.
  • Right to request their rectification or erasure.
  • Right to request limited processing.
  • Right to oppose processing.
  • Right to portability.

You may use the following forms to be able to exercise your rights more easily.

What are your rights when you give us with your data?

All citizens have the right to receive confirmation on whether MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. is processing personal data concerning them or not.

Data subjects may access their personal data, rectify them or request their erasure when, among other reasons, the data are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for.

You may also notify us of the limitation for processing your data. In this case, data will only be processed for making or defending claims.


Which recipients will your data be disclosed to?

Your data will not be assigned except in cases of legal obligation.


How have we obtained your data?

Data are collected in the markennovy website “Careers” form.

What category of data do we process?

The personal data categories processed are: name, email and message.


At  MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. we make every effort to comply with personal data protection law, as we know information is our main asset. However, we hereby notify you that if you believe your rights have been compromised, please contact Mario de la Peña Triguero or email and alternatively, if you are not satisfied, you may submit a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Authority (hereinafter AEPD), located at C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid. For further information about the AEPD.



Who is the person responsible for processing your data?

  2. CIF (Company Tax ID No): B25388851
  3. Telephone: 902111140
  4. Email:
  5. Data Protection Officer: Mario de la Peña Triguero
  6. DPO contact details:


What is the purpose of processing your personal data?

At MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. we process your information from the “Press and media” form to manage communications for the company, events and sponsorships.

MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. will have exclusive access to your data.

Acceptance of the privacy policy, through the procedure established via boxes, will be considered an affirmative declaration whereby THE USER EXPRESSLY AND UNAMBIGUOUSLY GIVES CONSENT – pursuant to Articles 6 to 9 of the Personal Data Protection Law (RGPDO)– for the processing of personal data under the terms laid down herein.

How long will we keep your data?

The personal data collected via the forms, and the send newsletter box, shall be stored by MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. for the period you decide. You may, at any time, exercise the rights that data protection law makes available to you.

We hereby repeat that you may, at any time, delete your name from our database along with the other rights recognised under existing law by contacting us via or


What is the legal capacity for processing your data?

The data subject gave consent for processing their personal data by checking the box that expressly authorises us to process the information provided.


What are my data protection rights?

You may exercise any of the following rights by writing to the postal address Avenida Ada Lovelace, 12, 28906 Getafe (Madrid) Spain or by emailing

  • Right to request access to the data subject’s personal data.
  • Right to request their rectification or erasure.
  • Right to request limited processing.
  • Right to oppose processing.
  • Right to portability.

You may use the following forms to be able to exercise your rights more easily.

What are your rights when you give us with your data?

All citizens have the right to receive confirmation on whether MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. is processing personal data concerning them or not.

Data subjects may access their personal data, rectify them or request their erasure when, among other reasons, the data are no longer required for the purposes they were collected for.

You may also notify us of the limitation for processing your data. In this case, data will only be processed for making or defending claims.


Which recipients will your data be disclosed to?

Your data will not be assigned except in cases of legal obligation.


How have we obtained your data?

Data are collected in the markennovy website “Press & media” form.

What category of data do we process?

The personal data categories processed are: name, email and message.


At  MARK´ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. we make every effort to comply with personal data protection law, as we know information is our main asset. However, we hereby notify you that if you believe your rights have been compromised, please contact Mario de la Peña Triguero or email and alternatively, if you are not satisfied, you may submit a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Authority (hereinafter AEPD), located at C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid. For further information about the AEPD.


MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. holds the appropriate license to use the intellectual and industrial property exploitation rights of the webpage, www.mark’ and of images and available contents of the same.
All contents on the website are the exclusive property of MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE or its suppliers, when they have been licensed or transferred by themselves, and as such they are protected by the local or international Intellectual Property Rights. All the software used in the screens, navigation use or development of the web site is the property of MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE and/or its suppliers and is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
The brands, labels, distinctive signs and logos appearing on the WEBSITE are ownership of MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE and are all duly registered. All data, text, pictures, graphics, sound, animations and videos are owned by MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE or of the entities supplying information, and may not be subsequently modified, copied, transformed, adapted or translated, by Users or third parties, in part or in its entirety, without express authorisation of the owners of this content.

Access to this Website under no circumstances means acquisition by Users of any property right over the Content included therein. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to use the website and the services it contains and in general all rights mentioned above without previous authorization of MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L., including its reproduction, modification, distribution, sale, broadcasting, later publication, display or representation of part or all of the material.


MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. states and guarantees that their Website has the necessary technology (software and hardware) as of this date, for access and/or use hereof. Nevertheless MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. declines responsibility for the possible existence of virus or other harmful elements, introduced by any means or by any third party that may result in alterations to the Users’ computer equipment, files or computer systems. The User acknowledges and accepts to exercise utmost diligence and prudence in accessing or using the contents or services of the websites they access via the aforementioned.

Users accept that this website has been created and developed in good faith by MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. using information from legally obtained internal and external sources and is presented to Visitors in its current version nevertheless it may contain technical or other inaccuracies, omissions, or typographical errors.

MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. does not, in any case, guarantee the veracity, precision and extent of the content on its website. As a result the User exempts MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. from any liability as regards its reliability, utility or any false expectations given rise to by the Site.
The User guarantees that the activities he/she carries out will on no account prejudice the good name and business image of MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. and that will be in accordance with the law, morality, public order, and good customs.


MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. is not responsible for damages of any nature that could arise either directly or indirectly and particularly, any that could stem from the interruption of the service of the Website. Likewise MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. shall not be held responsible for the possible errors or deficiencies in the security of the User’s browser, which may be an outdated or insecure version, as it is not responsible for activating security mechanisms for keys or User codes on the browser or for the damages, errors or inaccuracies which could arise from the malfunctioning of the same.
MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. is exempt from all responsibility for the legality, content and quality of the data and information offered by third parties through the website. MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. grants no guarantee of any nature, be this express or implicit, in respect to the Website or which may arise from the use that Users make of the information and content on this website.

In the case of any liability demanded, MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. will be responsible for damages directly caused by the aforesaid case excluding in all cases compensation for loss of earnings.
The User will respond to any damage that MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. suffers as a direct or indirect result of breaches of the General Conditions by Users and particularly, any breaches of the specific conditions.

If, for the use and/or contracting of a service on, the User should have to register, he or she will be responsible for providing true and legitimate information. If as a result of the registration the Consumer is given a password, the Consumer is obliged to use it carefully and to keep the password secret in order to access these services. In short, the consumer is responsible for being an adequate custodian and keeping confidential any identification passwords supplied by MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. and hereby agrees not to give any of this information to a third party, either on a temporary or permanent basis, nor to permit access to third parties. The Consumer will become responsible for any illicit use of the services by an unauthorised third party using a password as a result of
carelessness or loss of the same by the Consumer.


The owners of other websites wishing to create a hyperlink to the Web will have to assure and
to commit themselves to the rules of MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. on connections
in the Network. These aforementioned rules are as follows:

a) Not to establish links to websites where the logotype of MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. do not appear;

b) Not to make false, inexact or incorrect statements that may lead to error, or which, in general, are contrary to law, or normally accepted morals and accepted good conduct;

c) Not to establish hyperlinks to websites with contents, statements or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature or statements supporting terrorism or attacking Human Rights, and, generally, in any manner damaging to the good name or image of MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. The inclusion of links to other websites does not imply that MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. promotes, guarantees or recommends this web site.

The website may contain links to other portals and websites not under the management or ownership of MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Links are included in the web page of MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. on a purely informative purpose, and in no case mean any suggestion, invitation or recommendation regarding them.


MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. will do everything in its power to keep this portal continuously available. Nonetheless, any mode of test, control and maintenance operation shall be freely chosen and carried out by MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE S.L. at any time, utilising whichever procedures and means to do so.

MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. is at liberty to alter the capacity of transmission, monitoring or any other means used for the access of the website.

MARK’ENNOVY PERSONALIZED CARE, S.L. can terminate access to the content of the page without prior notice to the consumer when:

a) After becoming aware of unlawful or otherwise illegal uses of the services and/or the website by the user.
b) The User had not fulfilled its essential obligations, especially in case of inappropriate use of the access code and in case of violation of the property right and copyright of the Website, this to be without prejudice to any further legal action for the protection of its interests.