MYLO: Frequently Asked Questions on Myopia Management

Given the recent emergence of this topic, it is important for us to develop confidence in discussing myopia management with patients and parents and addressing their concerns. Mark’ennovy aims to provide guidance and answer frequently asked questions to support you in navigating this relatively new field of myopia management.
What is myopia management?
Myopia management refers to strategies and interventions aimed at regulating the progression of nearsightedness (myopia) in individuals, particularly children and adolescents. The goal of myopia management is to slow down or halt the progression of myopia.
Why do we need to manage myopia?
Managing myopia is crucial for several reasons:
- Visual well-being: myopia can significantly impact an individual’s vision, leading to blurred distance vision and the need for corrective lenses.
- Long-term eye health: high levels of myopia are associated with an increased risk of developing sight-threatening eye conditions, such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, and myopic maculopathy.
- Quality of life: myopia progression can negatively affect an individual’s quality of life, limiting their ability to engage in activities that require good distance vision, such as sports or outdoor pursuits.
- Economic impact: the increasing prevalence of myopia globally poses a significant economic burden in terms of healthcare costs and productivity loss due to visual impairment.
Overall, by managing myopia, we aim to maintain clear vision and eye health, enhance quality of life, and reduce the societal and economic impact of this common refractive error.
What methods exist to slow myopia progression?
There are different options when it comes to manage myopia (WSPOS Myopia Consensus Statement, 2023):
- Spectacle lenses
- Contact lenses:
- Soft contact lenses
- Orthokeratology
- Atropine eye drops
These interventions are typically tailored to the individual’s specific needs and may involve regular monitoring and adjustments over time to optimize the effectiveness of the management plan.
Who is a good candidate?
Currently, children can be candidates for Myopia Management system if their myopia progresses too fast (i.e., more than -0.50 dioptres per year). The risk of myopia progression should be assessed by the eye care practitioners.
How many follow-up visits are needed to manage myopia progression?
Normally, a myopic child with certain risk should be monitored every six months in order to have under-control myopia progression. The eye care practitioner will decide on the frequency. A three- to six-month follow-up schedule is ideal for ensuring myopia management and ensuring contact lens wear on eye is healthy.
What can we do as parents to prevent myopia onset?
Environment factors play a crucial role on myopia onset. Different strategies (WSPOS Myopia Consensus Statement, 2023) can be followed:
- It is recommended that parents ensure their child has at least two hours of daylight exposure. Increasing outdoor time is effective in preventing the onset of myopia, but its effectiveness in slowing progression in already myopic eyes remains uncertain. Even if myopia has already developed, incorporating a modest behavioural change of two hours of daylight exposure could potentially be beneficial.
- Animate individuals, especially children, to take frequent breaks from near work tasks, such as using smartphones, studying up close, reading or drawing.
- Promote proper ergonomics and viewing distance: encourage a viewing distance of at least 20 cm or more to reduce the strain on the eyes and lower the risk of myopia progression.
- Encourage a balanced lifestyle that includes other activities, such as physical exercise, hobbies, and social interactions, to reduce the overall time spent on near work tasks and mitigate the risk of myopia.
What may happen if a myopia management strategy is not used?
If a patient is identified as being at risk of progressing myopia, myopia will eventually continue to increase over time. This upward trend in myopia poses a significant concern as it raises the risk of developing sight-threatening complications. These complications can have severe consequences on vision and overall eye health. By actively managing myopia and its progression, we can strive to maintain the best possible ocular health for those at risk in the long term.
This is the second post related to a series of blog posts on frequently asked questions on myopia, myopia management, soft contact lenses and MYLO. Stay tuned!
MYLO: A winning strategy for myopia management
MYLO is a soft contact lens for myopia management:
- Produced with our proven Silicone Hydrogel material
- Granted CE marking for myopia management in 2019
- Up to -8.00 cylinders and axes in 1º steps
Fit MYLO, an on-label silicone hydrogel soft contact lens for myopia management, now available in a complete range of spheres, cylinders and axes.
Contact our dedicated technical support team for more information:
0800 328 0610 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.30pm)
We are committed to helping you ensure the best possible contact lens-wearing experience for your patients.
About Mark’ennovy
Mark’ennovy is dedicated to innovation and a forward-thinking approach towards contact lens products, fitting and support. Our product portfolio is one of the most extensive available with an unrivalled combination of materials, parameters, and geometries, catering exclusively to eye care professionals.
Are you a contact lens user and would like to know more about Mark’ennovy?
Soft contact lenses are a medical device. This is why we exclusively sell through practitioners. Please see your trusted eye care professional for more information.
June 2023
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