mark'ennovy Archives - Page 3 of 5 - mark'ennovy

The New, Updated My’Ennovy Portal
The My’Ennovy portal has long been a useful tool in most of our customers’ toolkits. In recent months, we’ve been working hard to redesign the My’Ennovy portal making it even better and more helpful. We’re proud to introduce the NEW My’Ennovy portal: it’s simple, modern and, most importantly, useful. The portal has been streamlined, with […]
March 2022

The Moment for Presbyopia
Around 20% of the world´s population is presbyopic, but only 8% wear contact lenses as their primary mode of correction. Learn about presbyopia in this post! What is Presbyopia? Presbyopia is a gradual reduction of the eye’s ability to focus accurately on near objects. It starts to affect vision at around 40 years. Near and […]
March 2022

WHAT IS THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF ASTIGMATISM THAT SHOULD BE CORRECTED? With a contact lens, astigmatism of -0.75 dioptres would have to be corrected. If only the sphere was to be corrected, -0.50 dioptres would be the amount that could be left uncorrected with the patient still having an optimal visual acuity. This is true […]
March 2022

Often, we think that fitting toric multifocal contact lenses is complicated. In some cases, it is due to a lack of experience with these designs, sometimes due to lack of time, and sometimes because we think they are not profitable for our business. In this blog, we are going to guide you through fitting multifocal […]
March 2022

25th Anniversary: Niche Does Not Mean Small
In 2022, mark’ennovy celebrates its 25th anniversary. In 1997, Georges Sarrouf founded the company in Madrid, specialising in bespoke, conventional contact lenses and, 25 years later, is still at the helm as CEO. The company has undergone transformations within this time frame – becoming a market leader for the manufacture of individually crafted contact lenses […]
February 2022

What effects does MYLO produce on children’s vision in the short term?
A study looks at the short-term vision effects of MYLO: a monthly disposable silicone hydrogel contact lens designed with BHVI‘s patented EDOF technology to slow the progression of myopia. The EDOF technology of MYLO has previously been studied in terms of visual performance and efficacy in slowing myopic progression. This pseudo-experimental clinical study was conducted […]
January 2022

Multifocal contact lenses: also for your astigmatic patients
mark’ennovy specialises in multifocal soft contact lenses for all types of presbyopic eyes and levels of astigmatism. Did you know that… Holden et al. estimated that the global prevalence of presbyopia is increasing to 1.8 billion people by 2050? This is the reason why contact lenses for presbyopia are gaining momentum: Contact lenses, in general, […]
January 2022

MYLO: Myopia Management
Discover more about myopia management. Recent years have seen the devastating impact of global health crises – the most notable being Covid-19, of course – but what of the other, less ‘media-present’ crises, such as the myopia crisis? Over the past decade, the prevalence of myopia has increased around the world. Some studies estimate that […]
September 2021

Myopia Crisis: Helping Diffuse the Time Bomb
Myopia Crisis
August 2021

Xtensa SiHy – the moulded silicone hydrogel family!
Xtensa SiHy is mark’ennovy’s moulded silicone hydrogel family. For patients whose parameters fall within the standard range and whose eyes would benefit from a silicone hydrogel material, Xtensa SiHy is an excellent starting point. Xtensa SiHy’s Technical Description Xtensa SiHy is a monthly silicone hydrogel contact lens. It provides exceptional vision, eye health, and comfort. […]
August 2021