contact lens Archives - mark'ennovy

Myopia, a common eye problem, has experienced a notable increase in recent decades. This has raised concerns about the visual health of future generations, especially when it comes to myopia in children. This condition not only impacts the quality of vision but is also associated with more serious eye problems. Some examples include glaucoma, cataracts, […]
February 2024

Given the recent emergence of this topic, it is important for us to develop confidence in discussing myopia management with patients and parents and addressing their concerns. Mark’ennovy aims to provide guidance and answer frequently asked questions to support you in navigating this relatively new field of myopia management. What is myopia management? Myopia management […]
June 2023

As a fairly new topic on the table, we need to gain confidence talking to patients and parents and solving their doubts. From Mark’ennovy, we would like to guide you and provide some answers to their frequently asked questions on myopia. What is myopia? Myopia is the medical term for short-sightedness. It happens when light […]
May 2023

Having worked in the eye care industry for many years, Jim Dickson – a highly motivated contact lens optician – joined the mark’ennovy team in 2021. Since then, Jim has headed up the mark’ennovy academy. As part of his Professional Affairs roles, Jim has written and delivered training sessions on multifocal contact lens fitting, custom […]
March 2023

Here at mark’ennovy, we believe that EVERY patient can wear contact lenses. That’s why we manufacture our premium bespoke contact lenses with an extended range of parameters, an unrivaled combination of diameters and base curves, but also with different types of materials. As a result, we can meet the needs of wearers, ensuring perfect visual […]
February 2023

A study looks at the efficacy of MYLO: a monthly disposable silicone hydrogel contact lens designed with BHVI‘s patented EDOF technology to slow the progression of myopia. EDOF technology has previously been studied in terms of visual performance and efficacy in slowing myopic progression. Also, some data on short-term visual effects of MYLO have recently […]
May 2022

mark’ennovy specialises in multifocal soft contact lenses for all types of presbyopic eyes and levels of astigmatism. Did you know that… Holden et al. estimated that the global prevalence of presbyopia is increasing to 1.8 billion people by 2050? This is the reason why contact lenses for presbyopia are gaining momentum: Contact lenses, in general, […]
January 2022

mark’ennovy: in constant pursuit of the most eye-opening contact lens wearing experience As part of our philosophy to continuously improve the technology and design behind our contact lenses, we are pleased to announce the introduction of a new edge design, resulting in better comfort for our complete range of Blu:gen and Saphir Rx monthly contact […]
February 2018

Every eye is unique, they come in all different shapes and sizes, some steeper, some flatter, some larger, some smaller, and with varying degrees of astigmatism from a little to a lot. And this, before you enter the complex world of prescription from short sighted to long, and the challenges of managing presbyopia. Every […]
September 2017