Innovation Archives - mark'ennovy

MYLO: A new myopia management contact lens from mark’ennovy powered by technology of brien holden vision institute ltd
Myopia’s impact on vision and ocular health, along with its growing prevalence among the general population, is of growing concern among the eye care sector. Studies estimate that myopia will affect five billion people worldwide by 2050, while in Europe the myopic population will increase from 22% to 56% within the next 30 years1. […]
March 2019

A new presbyopia lens from mark’ennovy, powered by the brien holden vision institute
Why is presbyopia such a big deal? Currently, in Europe alone, there are around 340 million people over the age of 45 in need of some degree of correction for near vision1. Studies estimate that 1.8 billion people worldwide will be presbyopic by 20501. However, considering contact lens wear, presbyopia tends to increase patient dropout. […]
March 2019

The brien holden vision institute ltd and mark’ennovy take on myopia and presbyopia in the united states
The Brien Holden Vision Institute Ltd, a leading global translational research and vision correction centre, and mark’ennovy, the No.1 independent manufacturer of premium precision soft contact lenses, have signed a second licensing agreement to bring to market a moulded soft contact lens with Brien Holden Vision Institute’s patented Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) design to […]
March 2019

Same Individually Crafted Quality, Brand New Look
mark’ennovy Updates the Packaging for Its Most Popular Monthly Lenses Precision, quality and a more personalised approach to fitting contact lenses are the qualities that have come to define mark’ennovy. These same qualities have inspired our new packaging design. Five years ago, mark’ennovy updated their brand identity, bringing a similar look and feel […]
March 2019

A new myopia management lens from mark’ennovy
Myopia: An Epidemic that Affects Us Locally. Over the last few years, myopia has become a trending topic among eye care academics, practitioners and contact lens manufacturers alike. Why is this? What is the big deal about myopia? For most eye care professionals, myopia is just a refractive error that they confront every day: […]
May 2018

New edge design: better comfort for Saphir RX & Blu:gen contact lenses
mark’ennovy: in constant pursuit of the most eye-opening contact lens wearing experience As part of our philosophy to continuously improve the technology and design behind our contact lenses, we are pleased to announce the introduction of a new edge design, resulting in better comfort for our complete range of Blu:gen and Saphir Rx monthly contact […]
February 2018