Parents Archives - Page 2 of 4 - mark'ennovy
Yes, this contact lens is manufactured with a great range of powers (up to -15D).
July 2019
No, they will probably not if you follow your eye care practitioner´s instructions during the treatment. Contact lens use is safe if we care and clean and maintain our contact lenses properly.
July 2019
Yes, because it acts as a regular contact lens. Another type of correction needs to be used when the contact lenses are not worn.
July 2019
Environment factors play a crucial role on myopia onset and progression. You can follow different strategies: Spending at least 90 minutes per day outside. It is the brightness of natural sunlight which is beneficial rather than UV light so you should still take sun protection precautions. Taking regular breaks from close work. Looking away for […]
July 2019
There is no negative impact on the normal children’s life activities. However, positive effects have been reported regarding quality of life (appearance, satisfaction, effect on activities, handling and peer perception) of these children/teenagers is better than those wearing spectacles.
July 2019
In general, it is recommended more than 8 hours and during, at least, 5 days a week. For a greater result, it is recommended the maximum of waking hours a day and 7 days per week.
July 2019
Optical treatment strategies as soft contact lenses have been proven to have moderate effect in managing eye growth and refractive development around 30-40% (0.25 to 0.50D per year). In fact, this option is one of the most effective ways to manage myopia progression. Our final aim with this treatment is to avoid children to reach […]
July 2019
The use of myopia management contact lenses is very safe when managed properly by children and by parents. Proper lens care and handling must be performed to maintain eye health and reduce the risk of eye infections. In addition, no increased risk of complications associated with soft contact lens in children exist compared to adult […]
July 2019
Normally, a myopic child with certain risk (moderate) should be monitored every six months in order to have under-control myopia progression. The eye care practitioner will decide on the frequency. A three- to six-month follow-up schedule is ideal for ensuring myopia management and ensuring contact lens wear on eye is healthy.
July 2019
There is no a specific, established age to stop the treatment. It will depend on the myopia progression of each child/teenager. The eye care practitioner should assess the evolution of myopia in every case and decide (according to the level of myopia and the possible risks) if it is necessary to stop the myopia management […]
July 2019