Partnership between the Brien Holden vision institute and Markennovy

The Brien Holden Vision Institute, a Leading Translational Research Vision Correction Centre in the world, and mark’ennovy, the No.1 independent manufacturer of premium monthly replacement Contact Lenses, are proud to announce their Strategic Partnership, having signed a worldwide exclusive licensing agreement to bring to market a new design soft contact lenses, in Silicone Hydrogel, specifically targeted to address the two areas that have been, and will continue to be at the centre of focus and challenge for Eye Care Professionals around the world, namely in Myopia Management and Presbyopia.
With around half of the world’s population predicted to be myopic by 2050, and with Europe having the oldest “average age” population in the world, with the average age expected to reach “45years old” by 2045, both mark’ennovy and Brien Holden agreed that it is high time to optimise results in the management of these visual deficiencies through technological innovation in Contact Lens design and manufacturing processes.
As such, mark’ennovy and Brien Holden have decided to combine their strengths to offer new designs powered by Brien Holden, in tandem with precision custom-made disposable contact lenses by mark’ennovy, targeted to deliver a truly powerful proposition, enabling eye care professionals to tailor a monthly disposable Contact Lens, to the unique characteristics of every Myopic or Presbyopic eye with an unprecedented degree of precision and visual comfort.
In this new venture, mark’ennovy will bring its unique manufacturing capabilities for producing individually, crafted lenses at high capacity/high volume levels with affordable costs, while the Brien Holden Vision Institute, bring the innovation of state of the art patented designs such as “EDOF” (extended depth of focus) designs.
Commenting on the agreement, CEO and Founder of mark’ennovy, George Sarrouf, said, “Since its inception in May 1997, mark’ennovy has always opted to differentiate itself from standardised mass manufacturing and marketing, by catering to the more complex fields of Astigmatism and Presbyopia, with a constant tenaciousness of premium quality and service, and now with the Brien Holden Institute backing us up, we are looking forward to achieving New Milestones in Visual Correction for improving patients’ quality of life throughout its span.
Yvette Waddell, Chief Operating Officer for Brien Holden Vision Institute, adds: “We are delighted to be partnering with mark’ennovy and bring our novel EDOF designs in myopia and presbyopia management to the next level of advancement and sophistication in the manufacture of Contact Lenses, tailored uniquely to each person’s eye, but even more importantly, our vision is to slow the progression of myopia in all children to reduce their risk of permanent vision impairment and thus address a looming public health crises.”
Mark’ennovy, in tandem with Brien Holden, will be working with key professionals around the world in preparation for product launch, on a date to be announced soon.
If you want to be part of this journey with mark’ennovy and Brien Holden Vision Institute, please contact your local business development manager.
About mark’ennovy
mark’ennovy is dedicated to innovation and a forward thinking approach towards the evolution of the contact lens industry. mark’ennovy’s product portfolio is one of the most extensive available on the market in the world with an unrivalled combination of materials, parameters and geometries, catered exclusively to eye care professionals.
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About Brien Holden Vision Institute
Brien Holden Vision Institute is a non-profit translational research, education and public health organisation. It develops new solutions for vision care, especially for myopia and other refractive errors to eliminate vision impairment and avoidable blindness, thereby reducing disability and poverty.
Brien Holden Vision Institute is a social enterprise, investing the revenues from its work into creating scientific solutions and developing and delivering eye care and education programs.
Media contact: Stephen Davis: + 61 450 661 695
september 2017
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