mark'ennovy Archives - Pagina 3 van 3 - mark'ennovy Netherlands

mark’ennovy rondt groeifinanciering af
Het versnellen van de wereldwijde groeiontwilleling van de leider in op maat gemaakte contactlenzen 28 september, 2018 mark’ennovy Personalized Care, leverancier van individueel gemaakte contactlenzen in Europa, kondigt met genoegen de voltooiing van een samenwerking met Bond Capital Partners aan. Bond Capital Partners, een in Londen gevestigde onafhankelijke investeerder en adviseur voor het midden- en […]
oktober 2018

Where does blue light really come from?
Industry communication focuses on digital devices as the primary source of harmful blue light. The sun, however, is the light source we should be most concerned about. It is ten times more powerful than any artificial light source (1), and the leading source of harmful blue and UV light (280 – 450nm). The sun […]
februari 2018

New edge design: better comfort for Saphir RX & Blu:gen contact lenses
mark’ennovy: in constant pursuit of the most eye-opening contact lens wearing experience As part of our philosophy to continuously improve the technology and design behind our contact lenses, we are pleased to announce the introduction of a new edge design, resulting in better comfort for our complete range of Blu:gen and Saphir Rx monthly contact […]
februari 2018

New edge design: better comfort for Saphir RX & Blu:gen contact lenses
mark’ennovy: in constant pursuit of the most eye-opening contact lens wearing experience As part of our philosophy to continuously improve the technology and design behind our contact lenses, we are pleased to announce the introduction of a new edge design, resulting in better comfort for our complete range of Blu:gen and Saphir Rx monthly contact […]
februari 2018

Partnership between the Brien Holden vision institute and Markennovy
The Brien Holden Vision Institute, a Leading Translational Research Vision Correction Centre in the world, and mark’ennovy, the No.1 independent manufacturer of premium monthly replacement Contact Lenses, are proud to announce their Strategic Partnership, having signed a worldwide exclusive licensing agreement to bring to market a new design soft contact lenses, in Silicone Hydrogel, specifically […]
september 2017

Making it personal is what sets us apart
Every eye is unique, they come in all different shapes and sizes, some steeper, some flatter, some larger, some smaller, and with varying degrees of astigmatism from a little to a lot. And this, before you enter the complex world of prescription from short sighted to long, and the challenges of managing presbyopia. Every […]
september 2017