The New, Updated My’Ennovy Portal

The My’Ennovy portal has long been a useful tool in most of our customers’ toolkits. In recent months, we’ve been working hard to redesign the My’Ennovy portal making it even better and more helpful.
We’re proud to introduce the NEW My’Ennovy portal: it’s simple, modern and, most importantly, useful. The portal has been streamlined, with a much cleaner and modern design, and can be used in six languages: Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Dutch. Patient and order information is clearly presented and is easily searchable, the patient ordering interface is more intuitive and it’s possible to drill down for the necessary information using a series of relevant filters.
The new-look My’Ennovy portal will be launched on 09/03/2022 (01:00pm GMT).
The whole premise has been to streamline the process for eye care professionals, making everything so much easier – from ordering fully customised lenses for new patients, ordering replacements for existing patients, as well as pre-buying/placing large orders from a wide range of stock of our moulded contact lenses.
The new My’Ennovy portal features useful tools, including the biometric and the over-refraction calculators, and helpful marketing and communication resources such as the latest product catalogues and product updates.
The release date for the new-look My’Ennovy portal is 09/03/2022 (01:00pm GMT), and this is when all customers will be able to enjoy the benefits of the improved design.
Improved functionalities:
- An intuitive interface that’s accessible from any tablet or laptop
- Multi-user functionality: your account number will give you access to a master account, where all functionalities will be available. Other members of your organisation may request access by using your account number. Access to different sections can be granted to each new user, but all users will have access to New Orders.
- Biometric calculator: completely integrated into the order flow, for a faster and easier-to-place order process.
- Direct delivery: you can place an order that will be sent to your patient.
New sections:
- Patients: from this section you will be able to
- Search and add relevant information about your patients
- Have a clear overview of all the patients you have added into your My’Ennovy portal (useful should you want to send them their contact lenses order directly)
- Stock Order: (nestled under Place Order), from this section you will be able to
- Create stock orders for our moulded contact lenses
- Keep your stock up to date by placing repeat orders
- Other Products: (nestled under Place Order), it will be possible to order our multipurpose solution and peroxide system directly via My’Ennovy
- Resources: a dedicated section offering support material for communication and marketing purposes
- Calculators: from this section you will be able to
- Calculate contact lenses without ordering (Biometric Calculator)
- Calculate over-refractions (Over-refraction Calculator)
We’re excited to present the new My’Ennovy portal. Be sure to check it out!
Contact our dedicated technical support team for more information
- 0800 328 0610 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.30pm)
We are committed to helping you ensure the best possible contact lens-wearing experience for your patients.
Are you a contact lens user and would like to know more about mark’ennovy?
Exclusively sold to practitioners, please ask your trusted eye care professional for more information.
March 2022
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