MYLO: Toric Parameters Now Available!

A winning strategy for all of your myopia management patients
A comprehensive range of spheres, cylinders and axes is essential to properly meet the soft contact lens needs of your astigmatic patients. This is even more important when entrusted with safeguarding the future eye health of your myopia management patients with astigmatism.
MYLO, an on-label soft contact lens for myopia management, is now available in a complete range of spheres, cylinders and axes. You no longer have to compromise on the myopia management soft contact lens for your astigmatic patients. This is important because:
- Approximately 1/3 of potential contact lens wearers have astigmatism1.
- The prevalence of astigmatism is double in myopes compared with hyperopes1.
Additionally, under-correcting a patient’s astigmatism has the potential to worsen their subjective visual comfort2, which can be detrimental to compliance and the ultimate end goal of keeping their myopia low!
Some important facts about MYLO:
- Granted CE marking for myopia management in 2019
- Up to -8.00 cylinders and axes in 1º steps
- Proven Silicone Hydrogel material
- Fast delivery (ships in 3-5 business days)
Mark’ennovy understands the importance of achieving the most precise toric fit for your patients. Let us be your partner for all your myopia management fits!
Contact our dedicated technical support team for more information:
0800 328 0610 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5.30pm)
We are committed to helping you ensure the best possible contact lens-wearing experience for your patients.
About Mark’ennovy
Mark’ennovy is dedicated to innovation and a forward-thinking approach towards contact lens products, fitting and support. Our product portfolio is one of the most extensive available with an unrivalled combination of materials, parameters, and geometries, catering exclusively to eye care professionals.
Are you a contact lens user and would like to know more about Mark’ennovy?
Soft contact lenses are a medical device. This is why we exclusively sell through practitioners. Please see your trusted eye care professional for more information.
- Young G, Sulley A, Hunt C. Prevalence of astigmatism in relation to soft contact lens fitting. Eye Contact Lens. 2011 Jan;37(1):20-5. doi: 10.1097/ICL.0b013e3182048fb9. PMID: 21178696.
- Morgan PB, Efron SE, Efron N, Hill EA. Inefficacy of aspheric soft contact lenses for the correction of low levels of astigmatism. Optom Vis Sci. 2005 Sep;82(9):823-8. doi: 10.1097/01.opx.0000177792.62460.58. PMID: 16189492.
March 2023
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