design Archives - mark'ennovy Australia

Industry communication focuses on digital devices as the primary source of harmful blue light. The sun, however, is the light source we should be most concerned about. It is ten times more powerful than any artificial light source (1), and the leading source of harmful blue and UV light (280 – 450nm). The sun […]
May 2018

mark’ennovy: in constant pursuit of the most eye-opening contact lens wearing experience As part of our philosophy to continuously improve the technology and design behind our contact lenses, we are pleased to announce the introduction of a new edge design, resulting in better comfort for our complete range of Blu:gen and Saphir Rx monthly contact […]
February 2018

mark’ennovy: in constant pursuit of the most eye-opening contact lens wearing experience As part of our philosophy to continuously improve the technology and design behind our contact lenses, we are pleased to announce the introduction of a new edge design, resulting in better comfort for our complete range of Blu:gen and Saphir Rx monthly contact […]
February 2018