Children Archives - mark'ennovy

Can I scratch my eyes?

It is not highly recommended since the contact lens may dislocate (giving you a nasty feeling) or even tear. But if you feel stinging, you can softly do it with no risks.

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July 2019

Can I practice sports with them on?

Yes, absolutely. In fact, your vision will be better as you will have a full field of vision and there will be no risks of spectacles falling or getting hit by a ball. Contact lenses are better for sports activities than spectacles.

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July 2019

Do contact lenses hurt?

Only if something is wrong, they may hurt. If that happens, remove the contact lenses as soon as possible and check if they are inside out. If not, we advise you to visit your eye care practitioner.

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July 2019


mark'ennovy is a custom monthly soft contact lens manufacturer. We believe that you should be able to fit the right lens to every prescription, that’s why we start with the eye’s own unique measurements, and then individually craft a lens to match. Our unrivalled combination of contact lens parameters, geometries, materials, and expert technical advice, is backed by world class manufacturing technology and an exclusive focus on the Eye Care Professional.